Bringing World to People @ Kolkata

People must have invented newspaper out of basic necessity.  The Roman Empire published Acta Diurna ("Daily Acts"), or government announcement bulletins, around 59 BC, as ordered by Julius Caesar. The first newspaper in India was circulated in 1780 under the editorship of James Augustus Hickey. Named The Bengal Gazette,it mainly printed the latest gossip on the British expatriate population in India.

Started with handwritten newspaper to till date, it went through various innovations and changes. Newspaper, most important source of current affairs news affordable by any class of people and probably newspaper is one of few items which a rich and poor both have to buy in same price. For many people, it's hard to believe a morning without newspaper and tea.

But why I am telling these to you all? Obviously not to discuss about the History of journalism.

The main reason, one of my experiences in Kolkata, the city which always surprises me. As I mentioned in my previous blog as well, this city always resistant to change. But still there are many things which I wish other city should aware or learn from Kolkata.

When I was in Kolkata sometimes back, one fine morning I thought of going to the vegetable market to get the look and feel of Kolkata bazaar. On the way I saw few people were standing and reading something on the wall, probably some banner. I was wrong. On reaching near them, I found they are actually reading that day's newspaper. Then I got to know that area wise they have boards like we use for displaying notices but for them it's the board for pasting the newspaper. Every day they paste the newspaper and people while passing by used to read them. They paste two set of newspaper to allow people read both the sides. How thoughtful!!!

Further amazed to see that most of the readers are the hawkers, street vendors who I believe never buy newspaper or buying newspaper for them always a waste of money. Even while returning, my father stopped by one shop to buy few groceries, and I also started reading the newspaper.

Jerry Seinfeld said it’s amazing that the amount of news that happens in the world every day always just exactly fits the newspaper and the approach followed in the street of Kolkata taking the world (Newspaper) to the people.

Photo: Goutam Mandal
Historical details: Courtesy wikipedia


  1. Thanks for sharing this. Frankly speaking as I grew with the same never thought what a great & powerful idea this one is.


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